Prescriptions and Refills

All prescriptions refills should be requested during your office visit and will be electronically sent to your pharmacy along with any new prescriptions. If a prescription is not received by your pharmacy when expected, please contact us and inform the staff or on-call provider immediately so we may resolve any problems. Pharmacies can request routine refills electronically from our office. Your medications will be reviewed and reconciled at every visit. Therefore, bring a complete, updated list to your visit, including over the counter drugs, herbal supplements and vitamins.

As of 3/27/2016 all controlled/narcotic medications will be sent electronically as mandated by NYS law. Patients must contact office 48-72 hours prior to completion of refill to allow for authorization process. Controlled drug refills will only be completed during regular business hours. Patients must be seen every 2 months minimally when prescribed these medications.